Thursday 19 January 2012

Innovation Models Apple vs Google

There are many different ways of innovating in a company and as i have explored in my blog both Apple and Google are very good at innovating however they both do it in a very different way. One of the first main question asked before you start innovating in a company is should the innovative ideas come from external or internal sources or maybe both. Most of the time companies will opt for both as then they will be able to get the feedback from what the employees think but also what the customer and other external audiences think.

The next question to be asked is should the innovation team by a "small secretive group removed from the rest of the organisation"(OVO Innovate on purpose, 2008).  and centralised like what Apple have. Or should it be "broadly participative across the organization"(OVO Innovate on purpose, 2008).  and decentralised like what Google have.

So which one is better a centralised small team of people like Apple have or a decentralised broadly participative team like Google. I think they are both excellent company but i do feel that the better innovative company is Google as they are asking for all there employees ideas and keeping an open mind to ideas. Whereas Apple are a selected bunch of people who do come up with some fascinating ideas but could other employees have better ones that the company do not know about.

OVO Innovate on purpose. (2008). Defining your innovation model. Available: Last accessed 19th January .

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